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    A Divorce Coach encourages and counsels clients on a range of professional and personal issues. Divorce and life coaching are distinct from giving advice, consulting, counseling, mentoring and administering therapy. A coach helps you to grow by analyzing your current situation, identifying existing and potential challenges and obstacles and devising a custom plan of action designed to help you achieve specific outcomes. ​ The divorce life coach/client relationship is a creative partnership which seeks to:​​ Get clarity around the process and your goals Learning to feel more confident and in control of the outcome Gaining peace of mind Putting together a dynamic team Moving on and letting go Designing and living your best life These aspects of the process all work together to allow the client to maximize his or her potential.
    Yes you can! Just click HERE and you will be taken to the schedule booking form. The Initial Coaching Intake Session will give you an overview of my experience and how it will relate to you as your coach, what to expect from coaching, and what your responsibilities will be in the process. Additionally it will include a discussion of the highly confidential nature of our coaching sessions, how much the investment in your future is, and ffinally, if coaching is appropriate for you in your current situation.
    What is Confidentiality? ​ Confidentiality is the protection of personal information. Confidentiality means keeping your information between the coach and the client solely between the coach and the client. ​ Examples of how we maintain confidentiality include: individual files are locked and secured clients’ details are not discussed without their consent clients have the right to keep any information they specify about themselves confidential, which includes that information being kept from family and friends The types of information that is considered confidential includes, except where precluded by law: name, date of birth, age, sex and address current contact details of family, guardian etc bank details medical history or records personal care issues individual personal plans assessments or reports incoming or outgoing personal correspondence It is critical to be aware that in divorce matters items may be deemed recoverable by subpoena.
    The single best investment you can make in a divorce. 1. The fee is $295 per 60 minute hour, calculated on a prorated basis. This fee applies to the time I spend on your behalf, whether it is with you personally, speaking or meeting with your attorneys, correspondence, telephone calls, text, email, or any other services on your behalf. Travel time is billed at 50% of the full rate. Travel expenses to hearings may incur additional expenses for the travel itself. Divorce coaching is not an insurance reimbursable service. 2. I request a retainer of $2,950. Charges for services performed on your behalf will be deducted from the retainer as the services are performed. If the retainer is exhausted, I will ask you to replenish it. Balances remaining upon the termination of my services will be promptly refunded. 3. Forty-eight hours notice is required to cancel a session without charge except in cases of serious illness or other emergency. 4. Sessions are typically forty-five to ninety minutes in length. Collaborative divorce team meetings are longer, typically two to three hours in length. Sessions are generally conducted via Facetime, Skype, Zoom, Office, or a location to be determined. ​ 5. An Intake, Retainer, and a Coaching agreement will be forwarded for your review and execution before services commence.
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