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​ DEDICATION and DIVORCE just how are they related.

Several years back I was involved in a documentary film project in the Amazon dealing with human rights abuses of the indigenous population. I took this picture while traveling upriver to a very remote village and it reminded me about DEDICATION. If this man were not dedicated to his craft of being a fisherman, he and his family would just starve and die. How much time and effort do you believe he DEDICATES to his profession - fishing? If it was life or death for you how differently would you treat your divorce process and healing?

One of the most compelling examples of dedication I saw on this fantastic journey was a young man in a large dugout canoe with a small outboard motor on it. He had left the village for the city some years earlier and worked, and worked, and worked, to save enough money to buy a canoe and an outboard motor. Every morning at the village dock I would see him out there cleaning and polishing his canoe because he was now the village taxi and had a place of respect and honor amongst his people.

He DEDICATED himself to a goal and therefore changed not only his life but the life of all those around him. Are you DEDICATED enough to the pursuit of your dream, or kicking the tires? Are you willing to do what it takes to have a peaceful divorce and successful healing which will change your life, and then those around you, forever? 

Only you can dig deep enough within yourself to find the answer.​

Dedicate yourself to remain calm, peaceful, and to work toward an equitable and reasonable solution. 
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