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News & Tips

Leadership & Accountability

​During your divorce process, and it is a process, you must become your own leader and always hold yourself accountable for your actions.

In this village in Indonesia the rice paddies are owned by all the families in the village, individually. So how do you think they make sure the water gets to all the paddies? It's a great lesson in leadership and accountability.

The village chief makes sure that the person who has control of the bottom Paddy is in charge of all the water. He is held accountable to everyone in the village by the simple fact that if he does not distribute the water to all above him, he gets none, and his food crop perishes!

In your divorce think about what crucial leadership decisions are you making by holding yourself accountable. One of the most important is to never involve the children directly in the process unless it is a safety issue. They are innocents! Do you have written goals? Do you have a system of accountability? Are you participating in the self-growth? Are you working every day to better yourself and those around you?

In the end, you control the water for you and your children. It is up to you to be sure everyone gets fed, or the crop will perish.

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