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​Your GOALS!

I had a goal to simply travel the world for a couple of years.

Well, this takes the money, and I had heard you could make a lot of money in Alaska. So I set my goals, packed my bags, and left Key West Florida for Anchorage, Alaska arriving with no job, no car, no housing but a bold determination to make my goals, and dreams, come true. 

In the end, I achieved my goals by working in the bush of Alaska at a plant that was boat and plane access only. All I had to do was work, collect my pay, and there was no place to spend it, Goal achieved, next stop DREAM fulfilled, and a journey around this vast world of ours.

Funny story; when my contract expired they asked me to work the crab season in Kodiak, Alaska. Think the deadliest catch, and I was, of course, interested as I had heard the money was huge. Well, I had a straightforward question, how cold does it get really? Their answer was "we can not lie to you Rob, you will be on a crab fishing vessel, and if you throw a picture of water up in the air, it is ice before it hits the deck". It was an easy decision start my journey around the world immediately.​

Divorce is far from the end. Dream big my friends, set goals and then attack with passionate zeal. The only person preventing you from succeeding is yourself and your own self-talk. Manage that voice in your head with a simple phrase I CAN!
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