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Laughter & Joy

​Laughter and Joy are critical in a Divorce. Wherever you may be you can find a reason to create or enjoy laughter and joy.

On my travels in the remote parts of this beautiful world, I would often find acceptance by befriending the children of the tribe first. I always paid homage to a gift of medicine, money, or other essentials to the head man of the villages but then I would find a way to make the children smile and laugh. In the photo above I was giving dirt bike rides and riding wheelies through the center of the village. It is incredible what laughter and joy can do to dispel fear and distrust of a foreigner. The more the children laughed, played, and giggled the more the adults accepted me into their world.

It is with love, laughter, and joy we find peace and enlightenment!

During your divorce healing cycle, it is essential to find laughter and joy wherever you can. Comedy clubs, children's playgrounds, friends, and family - find your joy by seeking out!

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