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PEACE and DIVORCE a significant lesson.

This photo is taken from above looking down into the streets of the Palestinian section of Jerusalem. There you can see Israeli troops, snipers, in a fortified position overwatching the streets below.

We all must find peace in our lives, and often times that comes as a defiant stance against being abused, threatened, attacked.

To be peaceful is in my mind not to be a victim but to stand your ground, and be willing to resolve all differences in the face of aggression peacefully, but never to waver in the face of a bully.

In your divorce, whether it be personal, professional, or spiritual, you must be willing and able to stand with the conviction of what you believe in that is righteous.


Stand tall and proud for what you have accomplished. Allow no one to steal your dream. Always act with peace in your heart and an unwavering conviction to your purpose.

Love is the answer.

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