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Taking Action

Putting action to your dreams following your divorce.

I took this idyllic photo on the island of Koh Pi Pi in Thailand. I was blessed to have spent some time in this village getting to know the people and enjoying their little slice of paradise. If you just take a moment and let your imagination go, you too can feel the beauty, the warmth, hear the sounds of the tropics and see the palms waving in the air.

I was blessed to have a dream but more importantly to take Massive Action to make my dream come true. I didn't think about maybe tomorrow, maybe next week, maybe next year. I made a decision to Act on my vision right then and take the steps necessary to trek around the world.

I had a dream, and I mapped out what it would take to achieve it (goals) and each goal I met took me closer to my dream.

In 2006 a devastating tsunami wiped this village from the face of the earth, and cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in the region. Because I took action on my dreams, I was able to meet the people in this village and soak up the beauty all around me. Today I get to share my experience with others through my photos and stories of the places I have been and the people I have met. I get to honor the spirit of their home, and the spirit of their lives because I took action.

Right here, right now, dream big, and take massive action by setting and achieving goals along the way to fulfilling your destiny. It is up to YOU!

Like a tsunami life can alter quickly and unexpectedly, and the power is within you to take action necessary to build that new life, that dream, that fairy tale you so deserve. Your time is now.

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